A unique work of land art is being launched in Mackay this week.
Watershed: The Mackay Regional Botanic Gardens Land Art Project is the creation of Wollongong artists Lucas Ihlein and Kim Williams, in collaboration with a host of local farmers and community organisations.
The project involves the planting of a dual crop of sugarcane and sunflowers on the Meadowlands at the Botanic Gardens. The artists hope to raise awareness about the importance of soil health in agriculture, bringing farmers into dialogue with the wider community through events and workshops.
Some of the key collaborators in the project include Mackay & District Australian South Sea Islander Association (MADASSIA), Yuwibara Aboriginal Corporation, Central Queensland Soil Health Systems, and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA), Artspace Mackay, and Reef Catchments.
On Saturday 24th February from 8am-10am, the public is invited to join the artists to celebrate the commencement of the project. Participants are invited to take part in the planting of a crop of legumes which will help to build nitrogen in the soil.
For more information contact the artists:
0423 745 736